Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Well Esther had quite an adventurous evening about two weeks ago. Se cut her finger on a can while trying to be helpful by throwing it in the trash. She has now learned what it means to have an "oowee" and she doesn't let us forget about the one on her finger. She will often approach Brandon or myself and show us her "oowee" and even want us to kiss it better. It is so cute.

Two nights after she cut her finger on the can she was "helping" Daddy cook in the kitchen, yes you read that correctly Brandon is the chef of our family, when she reached over and touched the hot pan. Ouch, small burn on the tip of two fingers. But some aloe vera and a lot of love helped rather quickly. Nevertheless, she is having a few unfortunate learning experiences in the kitchen lately.

The two most beautiful children in the world, of course,
I am biased. Esther loves her little brother and will often
sit on the couch to talk to or play with him. Enoch likewise
loves his big sister and smiles ever time she comes around
him. I thought this picture was adorable.